Friday, September 30, 2016

Yay, we made it to Friday!

It is Friday and for a lot of people that means off for the weekend (Saturday and Sunday).  I am quickly finding out that the term weekend can actually mean different things for different people.  Either way, I hope that you have a wonderful weekend and if you’re traveling, please be safe!

I want to take a few moments and express my gratitude for those who are taking the time to stop by my page and pay a visit, whether it is a long one or a short one.  I am amazed at my current stats.  While I have not reached a huge number, in fact it’s under one hundred right now, I’m still ecstatic.  Let me explain why.  In the past I have created other websites and while they were good-intentioned, I let them fall by the wayside.  I didn’t stick to a schedule, a plan, a strategy.  Looking back, I guess they were not going to serve a real purpose.  To top it all off, I was also a huge procrastinator and defeatist.  That is a toxic combination in any endeavor.

I just might take a picture of my desk so you can see how dedicated I am to this site.  I am actually using every tool at my disposal (Excel, Word, and even pens and notebooks – sometimes I have to just physically write things).  All of this and my two motivators, my husband and daughter, snoozing away with our dog Peaches keeping watch over all of us.  I love it!  God has blessed us all.

Anyway, I am off to prepare for work.  I am looking forward to the day and the little project that do have.  I mentioned that I enjoy repurposing furniture and other little items.  I found my first few treasures and am looking forward to their re-birth.  I am excited about posting about these over the next week so please be on the lookout.

Have a wonderful weekend!

3 John 1:2

“Beloved, I pray that all may go well with you and that you may be in good health, as it goes well with your soul.”

Thursday, September 29, 2016

Goal Setting Part 2

Greetings everyone!  I hope that you are having a wonderful week.  I did not have any posts for yesterday (Wednesday) as I needed to run errands all day. But, it was fun because I turned it into a total mommy/daughter day and we had a blast. 

I was able to think about my plans for this blog and for eventually becoming a work at home mom.  I did try to blog some time ago; but, I didn’t take it seriously enough and I did not stick with it.  Also, was a huge procrastinator! But, I realize that in order for me to make this work, I have to form a habit and stick with it.  In fact, this is the most that I have ever blogged so, so far so good.

One of the things that I need to do is to build my online presence.  Utilizing social media pages such as Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and Google+ will be a huge help!  The key, at least to me, is consistency.  I need to be more consistent, have a purpose and stop getting side-tracked! (“Oooh, squirrel!”) I’ve been working on that for other things such as my household and that has gotten a lot better...there is no reason why it shouldn't work here as well.

Another thing that I need to do is to stay excited!  I am now looking at this as not just another job; but, as a fun, exciting adventure!  I will also be able to meet new people and exchange ideas, share thoughts, etc.  I’m getting excited just typing that!  As long as I keep positive and remain excited, I believe that it will all fall into place.

Well, that’s all that I have for now.  Time to fold some laundry then head in to work and start the day.  Wow!  Now I’m excited about that too.  Have a great day!

Proverbs 14:1

“The wisest of women builds her house, but folly with her own hands tears it down.”

Monday, September 26, 2016

Mapping Out Some Sort of Work at Home Strategy

Welcome back! This week I am challenging myself to create a schedule to devote to my ideas.  This is where my little girl comes in to help mommy.  She wakes up around 4:30AM without fail.  When I was pregnant with her I would still wake up around this time purely out of reflex.  I’ve always been an early riser - dad, not so much.  Once I’m up, I usually cannot go back to sleep.  But, I usually just lay in bed until it’s time for morning chores. 

I’m attempting to make use of whatever “down time” I have so I can devote time to my page.  “What better time than 5:00AM!”  I figure that I can devote a good, solid two hours in the morning while everyone is sleeping.  I’ll just make certain that my coffee is within reach.

I love Microsoft Excel!  So, I am creating a calendar (broken down by day) with my blocked off time frame for my page.  As I stated in my previous post, I believe that one day I can work from home full time.  I can adjust this calendar accordingly :-)

I am really excited about getting started.  I am also keeping an open mind about this.  I do not intend to put all of my eggs in one basket; so, I am looking at various ideas.  If you have ideas that you would like to share, I am all ears!  I am not only looking at applying at different companies; I am also looking into side hustles, creating my own crafts, etc.  My goal is to see what works best and go from there.  This is not only a way for creating a second income; it’s also an adventure!

Thanks again for stopping by. Have a blessed day!

Sunday, September 25, 2016

Busy Mom in Bellevue (Attainable Work at Home Goal)

Greetings and thank you for stopping by!  My name is Jessica and I am a wife to a U.S. Army soldier and mother to a fourteen-month old little girl.  I am also employed full time at a local eatery.  I absolutely love what I do; but, I love being at home with my little girl even more.  I have always been career-driven and independent.  But, more and more I am realizing that I truly want to be at home.  Looking back about twenty years ago or so, I never dreamed that I would want to be at stay at home mom or anything like that.  It’s funny how that works out.

My goal is to make a transition from full time work outside of my home to working from home!  How long will that take?  I am not sure; but, I am looking into several different ways to do that.  I think that one of the most important things about making this transition is the fact that I truly am excited about it!  I can imagine myself being able to work from home and my family and I be comfortable by the time our little girl starts school.  I believe that this is a very reasonable and attainable goal.  

That is why I am writing this blog.  I want to use this blog to not only gather and share information; but, hopefully to gain support.  I’m not talking monetary or anything like that.  I am talking about advice and words of encouragement.  I also want to hear your story about how you became a work at home mom, work at home dad, side hustler, etc.  I am also very interested in gaining a good work-life balance as well.  I can only imagine that this will be a huge adjustment, especially since I’m used to the daily grind of everyday work.

That’s all that I have for now.  I thank you for stopping by and I pray that not only am I successful; but, that you are as well. 

Proverbs 14:1
“The wisest of women builds her house, but folly with her own hands tears it down.”